升级到 fabric 5.x
首先,现在支持的最低 Node 版本是 14。 JSDOM 依然可以在 12 版本上工作,这是进行版本升级的原因之一,但我们认为将最低版本提升至 14 是更合适的做法。
在 Fabric.js 4.x 中,出于向后兼容的考虑,一些已废弃的方法和函数被保留了。
Circle.startAngle 和 Circle.endAngle
和 Circle.endAngle
解决方案有点棘手,你需要在导入 JSON 数据时附加一个“复生器”(reviver),或者覆盖 Circle.fromObject
myCanvas.loadFromJSON(data, // callback, usually a re-render and some specific app code () => { myCanvas.requestRenderAll() }, // the reviver (data, instance, error) => { // detect that version is less than 5 if (parseInt(data.version.slice(0, 1), 10) < 5) { instance.startAngle = fabric.util.radiansToDegrees(data.startAngle); instance.endAngle = fabric.util.radiansToDegrees(data.endAngle); } },);
Transform event removed
Those events are gone:
* @fires object:rotated at the end of a rotation transform* @fires object:scaled at the end of a scale transform* @fires object:moved at the end of translation transform* @fires object:skewed at the end of a skew transform
Those events were a leftover of the control logic of 3.x and before.
Do not confuse those with scaling ,rotating, moving, skewing. Those were fired at the end of a transform when some of those action occured.
See them as an extra layer detail on top of object:modified
As a side effect of this change, the canvas method _addEventOptions
, private and deprecated, has been removed.
The sole purpose of this method was to support this functionality.
What to do
If you need this information, you can check in the event object:modified
for the action property
myRect.on('modified', (opt) => { // inspect action and check if the value is what you are looking for const action = opt.action;});
Selection events properties
Events like selection:updated
and selection:created
do not have anymore the following properties:
- updated
- target
Those were compatibility properties left after the removal of the old events. Those properties referenced a fabric.Object.
What to do
In the same events you can look at selected and deselected properties that contains an array of events. The first item of those array is what was referenced on those properties.
Removal of deprecated methods
and Object._calcDimensionsTransformMatrix
, group.realizeTransform
are gone.
Since we introduced different sets of coordiantes, aCoords and oCoords, the generic method calcCoords wasn’t really useful anymore. It wasn’t used internally anymore and was left to don’t disruput version 4.
In the future we hope to have only aCoords.
was handling a specific case of some transformation for the bounding boxes.
Some time ago we introduced a generic utility that can do the same, calcDimensionsMatrix
was deprecated and was calling calcDimensionsMatrix
with the following parameters:
_calcDimensionsTransformMatrix: function(skewX, skewY, flipping) { return util.calcDimensionsMatrix({ skewX: skewX, skewY: skewY, scaleX: this.scaleX * (flipping && this.flipX ? -1 : 1), scaleY: this.scaleY * (flipping && this.flipY ? -1 : 1) });}
Similar situation for group.realizeTransform
, unused in fabricJS, and not providing any functionality on top of the generic util it was calling
realizeTransform: function(object, parentMatrix) { fabric.util.addTransformToObject( object, parentMatrix || this.calcTransformMatrix() ); return object;},
What to do
for calcCoords, just call either calcACoords or calcOCoords when you need it. for _calcDimensionsTransformMatrix and realizeTransform, call the utility as shown in the snippet.
Paths utilis removed
Since the path semplification happened in v4.x the following utils were’t usend anymore and kept for compatibility: utils.getBoundsOfArc
, utils.drawArc
, utils.fromArcToBeizers
, utils.drawDashedLine
Those utils are now removed.
What to do
, getBoundsOfArc
and drawArc
are removed, if you really need them, you need to copy them back in your code and maintain yourself.
The interesting part utils.fromArcToBeizers
is still available in fabricJS for internal use and if you need to you use it, you need to expose it on your own.